tunnelblick icon Tunnelblick free software for OpenVPN on macOS We need translators for several languages…

Highlighted Articles
  Installing Tunnelblick
  Uninstalling Tunnelblick
  Setting up Configurations
  Using Tunnelblick
  Getting VPN Service
  Common Problems
  Configuring OpenVPN
  Release Notes

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Stable vs. Beta Releases

A stable release is a version that has been tested as thoroughly as possible and is as reliable as we can make it. It does not have all the new features of a beta release and it does not have the latest fixes for problems.

A "beta" release is a version that has been tested internally and is being tested by the wider community. It usually has fixes for bugs in the stable version, and has new features that are subject to change and need testing and may have their own bugs or limitations.

Beta versions of Tunnelblick are usually quite reliable and work well for most users. (Tens of thousands of Tunnelblick users use beta versions.)

Beta versions are usually recommended for use on new versions of macOS so you will receive bug fixes sooner.

The "Preferences" panel of Tunnelbick's "VPN Details" window has a checkbox which allows you to check for updates to beta versions or to check only for updates to stable versions.

PLEASE PROVIDE FEEDBACK about beta releases in the Tunnelblick Discussion Group.

When a new stable or beta version of Tunnelblick is available, it is announced to the Tunnelblick Announcement Group. Shortly after a new version is availble, it will be available as an automatic update from older versions.

All available releases may be found on the Downloads page.

Cumulative Release notes describe changes for all versions.


Beta versions are "test" versions and precede stable versions with the same numbering. After one or more beta versions, a stable version is released.

A typical sequence of releases -- in chronological order -- might be something like:

  • 3.7.5beta01 -- First beta (test) version of 3.7.5
  • 3.7.5beta02 -- Second beta (test) version of 3.7.5
  • 3.7.5beta03 -- Third beta (test) version of 3.7.5
  • 3.7.5 -- First stable version of 3.7.5
  • 3.7.5a -- Second stable version of 3.7.5
  • 3.7.5b -- Third stable version of 3.7.5